At the end of every semester all the horse instructors have a big pot luck and play horseball. horse ball is basically basketball on horseback. Five players per team, and you have to ride bareback and in halters. Each team can pick a theme, my team's theme was clowns. I went to the DI and bought a huge plus size pink with pocka dot shirt. this thing is massive. you could have fit two of me in it.
my team kicked trash! first game was 4-2 and the second 6-1. but now im soo sore. the horse i rode was really bony, his lope was smooth, but ohh if i didnt sit back far enough when he stopped.....OUCH!! im still suffering from that mistake.My friend emily was on my team and was going to ride a pony...luckily she switched to a horse at the last minute because none of the horses liked that pony. mine tried to bite him or kick him any chance he could. Once when my team played randy's, he pulled me off my horse....cheater.... haha that was the only time i came off.